Saturday, 5 March 2016

Let's Read The Quran - (05/03/16)

Let's Read The Quran Campaign (LRTQ) 2016
From 1st March - 31st March 2016

In conjunction with the Let's Read The Quran Campaign, 31 notable figure will be sharing 10 of their favourite verses. Some of these posters will be featured in Sinar Harian and updated daily through our social media platforms. 

For Day 4 of the campaign, we have Daphne Iking sharing 10 of her favourite Quranic verses. 


  1. Salam ...

    May I suggest something please ...

    The poster is not clear, and it is hard to read even I enlarge it.

    Is it possible like to write it not as a JPG, please.

    So that it can be read.

    Thank you

    1. salam,

      For JPEG image of the poster, you may head to our facebook page to view the posters.

      Thank you for your feedback.
